Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 137.2


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  1. Agreed with our lovely author and- wow, I look forward to the fate of this cousin.

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!

  2. Poor Wang Zhancheng😂 its okay bro you’ll get use to it😂😂

    Thank you for the chapter 💗

  3. Wow, some people just want to ruin the fun of other people, huh? Thank goodness author-sama is not discouraged and still continue writing the novel🥺

  4. Waaaa, I’m so glad author is not discouraged by that reporter. Continue to work hard author!!

    Thanks for the chap!

  5. ooh, he’s finally taken over the city!!! now he’s gonna go from being shameless in private to being shameless in public, heck yeah! XD

    Thank you for the hard work!!