Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 136.2


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  1. Wang Zhancheng, you should be honoured that the dog food is being shoved face to face. We readers can only imagine 🤤 Thanks for the chapter 👍🏻♥️

  2. Does the intent really matter when it helped the people in dire straits anyway? Plus he was making more cash through this, it’s a win-win situation.

      • Yeah. It almost seems like he’s deliberately making himself out to be a bad person. Maybe it was only to attract customers, but that large market has probably reinvigorated the economy and made life easier for pretty much everyone. He boasted about making money off of the rich nobles, but he still houses those who are poor for free. If he was not able to make money somehow, the school would not be able to keep going.

        • ooh i like this comment. i’m gonna talk like i actually know what i’m saying now, if you don’t mind.

          okay, he says he’s rolling in cash, but he’s gotta put that cash somewhere. where? equipment for the wars outside the city? that’d surely have a demand. banks, to sit unused? it’s safe and convenient. common people’s wages? education? housing? shelter from the elements? groceries?

          they’re a lot higher on his priority list than they could be, that’s for sure.

          also as mentioned above i have no clue what i’m saying right now

  3. “This land maybe mine. But I’m yours.”

    Jiang Bieyu Arc 10

    Sheesh ‼️ I’m loving this dog food! ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Why does this Wang Zhancheng character is very familiar… 😏

    Recalling the protagonist in the siren arc, the female artist in the uncle-nephew arc, the female student, Xiao Tong..? And many more of those side characters. 🤣

  5. I would actually be more distrustful of a capitalist who did things solely out of altruism. But it’s not like he isn’t still benefitting others tremendously through his acts and the only people he’s ripping off are the ones who can most afford it, so it’s still morally righteous in my books. He’s doing a fuck-ton of public works projects, after all, so it’s not for nothing that he amasses such an unreasonable amount of wealth. While he does use it to live an eminently pleasurable life, he also spends freely to improve the cities around his businesses to also further his enterprise in the process. It’ll all come back to him eventually, but few consider it so holistically.