Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 135.2


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  1. In this arc Shi Qing is a pervert playing the tsunedere. ML is the ‘naive and innocent’ playing the yandere….perfect couple

  2. [Pei, look at his little lost look. Sigh. Tongtong, I really am a scumbag.]

    [Heehee. But I don’t regret it one bit.]

    It’s so refreshing to be scum!

    Is at times like this i feel sorry for my self beliving shi qing still have a chance at redemption.


  3. So much tension and then.. nothing 🥲

    Even though i know this is not that kind of novel but still…

    Thank you for the chapter

  4. I knew it. It was so Jiang Beiyu will feel secured that he left such a deep impression before going away~~~ Maybe a lot will happen after and during his leave?

    Deep inside, I still hate departures, loneliness, and deaths tho. Oh, and endings too. Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Mhm, lovely scum. -but that’s fine since the both of you are just so.

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!

  6. Is it just me … But it’s even more frustrating than the actual dog blood stories…. Hell… I miss actual dog-blood….

  7. Shi Qing is indeed the scumbag here 😂

    I kinda pity the loyal dog Beiyu 😩 but it’ll end well fs 👍🏻