Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 132


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  1. I feel like this is some kind of warning ksks

    Poor Father Jiang, too weak to handle Shi Qing’s extreme shamelessness

  2. Shi Qing: You’re acting like you’re a tough guy thinking you don’t like me at all. But I’m superior to you in breaking hearts. Let’s see what happens if I act against you now. Think, BITCH, THIINNNNKK!!!!

    Jiang Beiyu: …

  3. Jiang Beiyu realizing he’s at about the same level as a cat-

    I wanna see how he takes it

  4. You know, it’s honestly rather amusing how Shi Qing always seems to find a way, somehow during these missions.

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!

  5. Dang dang!! If I was in that situation as jiang beiyu I would be so scared 😱. That sent shivers down my spine 😮

  6. Shi Qing must be the master of manipulation and mind games. Why does this feel like psychological horror? I’m getting shivers..