Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 129.1


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  1. wooooooh i’m baaaackkk!!!!

    what anice welcome that there are already available chapters of ekigp~

    Thank you sooo much for this chapter!

  2. I want to remind you and myself, this is still the first day or second day (at most) of their meeting. Jiang Bieyu’s animosity value is (as far as I remember) still over 95.

  3. Too wilful keke .You better be ready when Jiang Beiyu extract his revenge🤣🤭

    Thanks for the update 💕💕

  4. Hmm… I feel like Shi Qing’s gonna send Jiang Beiyu as his subordinate and then Beiyu will do just what he did in the original timeline.

  5. I feel so bad for Shi Qing’s sister because some things just feel so unfair during this era.

    I know that shameless SQ is seducing JBY again, acting innocently. Naughty kitten tsk tsk