Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 128.1


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Translator's Note

大人 – lit. ‘big person’. An important person in a position of power. Not related to the boy name in English

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  1. I pity JLY a little bit but I still want to slap him with a brick.

    SQ inherited his mother’s greatness in acting sksksksks

    Thank you so much for this chapter!! (ㆁωㆁ)


    You’ve done a great great job 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter 💕💕

  3. whitewashing himself while also blackening others, shi qing is really efficient ah~

    though to be fair, jiang liye has always deserved that brick to the face (which other people are happy to serve on a silver platter)thanks for the chapter! ♡

  4. And, likewise, if the accusation stamped against you is proven to be of truth, you shall reap, tho not nearly half, what you have sown from your past misdeeds.

    Passes on decree with a holy golden buddha holding a lotus flowerThank you for the chapter!!

  5. Fudge, the comments really have everything planned for JLY, huh? Anyhow, I wholeheartedly agree with them.

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!

  6. What whitewashed? SQ genuinely didn’t do anything wrong. He brought up the idea, but even before they left the store he tried to call it off (of course, he knew it wouldn’t be called off, but that doesn’t matter lol). It really was JLY who urged everyone to go.