Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 125.2


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Translator's Note

草泥马 – This has the same pinyin as ‘f your mom’.

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  1. Oh, geez- why does that sound so accurately incorrect, right now?

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!!


    Thanks for the chapter 🤣🤭

  3. Ah I see, so he’s going to change his reputation amongst everyone, huh.

    I need to see the ‘little birdie’ clinging to Shi Qing in drawing xD

  4. God I’m laughing so hard right now. Have they not realized who he is then?

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. To be honest if he wanted to show the man’s subservience to him he could have just used him as a footrest or made him carry him.

  6. I imagine it like this: 🐥🐉

    The little young master is the little chick and the ‘boytoy’ is the big dragon. Although the chick thinks he’s the dragon.

  7. I think this was one of the chapters that made me feel ASHAMED by the MC. Seriously, my face is on fire!!! His lack of shame on his face was taken to another level.

  8. Hahahhahhh “big bird” just makes me think of the Sesame Street’s Big Bird.. the thought of that giant yellow bird clinging onto SQ arm- hahahahhaahhahaah 😂

  9. Lol. Big birdy eating tofu.lol Roundabout play after ShiQing taken alot advantages from ML.lol thank you for the chapter.

  10. “It’s more like a big fucking bird— ” *cues GIF of Big Bird from Sesame Street kicking down door