Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 125.1


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  1. Everyone else: sees Shi Qing bust down a door angrily and having an angry stare down with Jiang Liye

    Shi Qing in reality: kicks down a door and stays still because his foot is in pain

    Jiang Bieyu: …what a pitiful and adorable little master.

    HAHAHAHA I can’t wait to see their reactions to Shi Qing’s new boytoy fufu-

  2. Once again…kudos to these families for raising garbage spoiled individuals.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. I honestly can’t tell whether Shi Qing is pretending to be weak to fool Jiang Bieyu or if his body is actually that frail. If he’s acting, then kudos to our brilliant movie king! But if he isn’t, then… Stay strong. 🙂