Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 122.1


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  1. Thanks for the updates! May the God of BL bless you a great grade from your tests!


  2. Don’t you worry about that! It’s already amazing enough you give us multiple updates every week with responsibility. School’s coming to an end so I can understand how hard everything might be for you! Good luck on your exams and projects!! Take lots of rest and just be calm. Don’t think too much of the result but just study and prepare however much you can! Good luck (again) and I’m sure you’ll do well!! Take care and really, remember to eat, sleep and think yourself!!!! (It’s advice I’ve gathered from teachers that I’ve made a habit of sharing with anyone says anything about tests, exams, etc)

    Btw, Shi Qing seems to trying his best to tease our male lead, huh?

    Thank you for this chapter dear translator and editors!!! Take care to all lovely beings!!!!