Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 120.1


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  1. I also want a maid to carry around disinfecting wipes and hand cream in my stead…

    Thanks for the chapter 😌

  2. Well, I mean- he is the young master of Shi family. Why wouldn’t there be maids waiting at his beck and call?

    Thank you for what you guys are doing for us and take care!! Stay sweet and healthy!

  3. Shi-furen is nominated for this year’s Best Actress award.

    DAMN, YOUNG MASTER SHI QING IS SPOILED ROTTEN. In the next chapters, he’ll be spoiled by a certain person too.

    Thank you so much for this chapter!

  4. Haha mother and son are completely in sync! I’m very interested how he’ll whitewash himself this time.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. does he even need to whitewash in this world? i mean, his mother and voice are pretty much doing the work for him.

    thanks for the chapter! ♡

  6. Tsk. How about washing Jiang Bieyu instead, that would save a lot more effort when you want to feel him up Shi Qing! The mother though, hilarious. Germany doesn’t really have a soft accent so I don’t know what she would sound like, but I still think it’s funny to have her curse the heaven’s down with such a soft voice. 😂

  7. I wonder how Shi Qing will have ML fall in love with him this arc? And also, i am not getting a thing about this arc’s plot. I’ve always been bad in remenbering names and status, so when mentioned names that aren’t our Shi Qing’s or ML’s my brain will just, beep.

    Haha, like mother, like son. The Shi mother and son duo are really two ‘delicate’ flowers, managing to appear pitiful even when they are scheming someone’s downfall.

    Oh well,

    Thank you for the chapter.