Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 119.1


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Translator's Note

夫人 – lit. wife. The lady of the household, the first wife.

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  1. Scarred face?

    I see that subtle seduction there. Getting flashbacks to when he used ML as a foot warmer.

  2. This arc has got me thinking about one of the first arcs where ML was almost a walking heatpad. And then i remenbered what method Shi Qing used to ‘lure’ the ML, i am now looking foward for how Shi Qing will make ML fall in love with him.

    All these names, positions and characters are making me confused. I almost thought he was the one sold off to marry. Was sweating of anxiety, and then i noticed his twin sister was the one who got sold off to marry. Felt better, but now i feel bad for the Shi-twin.

    Oh well,

    Thank you for the chapter.

    • “All these names, positions and characters are making me confused. I almost thought he was the one sold off to marry. Was sweating of anxiety, and then i noticed his twin sister was the one who got sold off to marry. Felt better, but now i feel bad for the Shi-twin.” +1 fr I thought our mc was going to be sent off as someone’s concubine. I was ready to fight for his honour 😅

  3. Well, this will surely be another fabulous arc to look forward to and read!

    Thank you for the hard work and take care!!!

  4. I hope he is able to save his sister. And seduce the ML. But saving the sis should probably come first.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  5. I am waiting for the lovely dovey romance. Always amusing reading the ways the MC finds a way to make them falll for him.

    Thanks for the chapter ❤️❤️❤️😘