Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 118


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Translator's Note

A bit more info for those interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhongyuan

Translator's Note

爽文 – It’s a tag maybe used to denote stories with OP protags and lots of situations considered satisfying like face-slapping etc.

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  1. Upstairs already discussing the soft and sticky , what soft and sticky 🤭🤭 , ride a white horse first kekeke

    Thanks for the update 💕💕

  2. The soft and sticky voice will probably make this more interesting jk lmfao

    Shi Qing as a spoiled young master. I’m loving this in addition to his soft and sticky voice. This will be very interesting.

    Thank you so much for this chapter!!

  3. soft and sticky curses?! what a dilemma!

    the brain hole this arc…

    the horse this arc…

    … thanks for the chapter ♡

    and you up above, thanks for the comments!

  4. So is SQ in the body after the protagonist has been whipped? Ah, it’s going to be difficult for him this time around I think!

  5. When I saw the animosity value, I thought only 100? Then I continued reading, backtraced after two sentences to confirm I didn’t miss a zero, and then frowned after confirming it really was only 100…

    Shi Qing, what did you do to me? There was a time I was worried about you. 😭 It took me at least a few minutes to remember that an animosity value of 100 is negative and not ‘only’. 😭😂😭