Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 114.1


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  1. Lmfao Chen Yunling a real one (albeit kinda forced too XD)

    Loving these misunderstandings!! Uncle is chugging vinegar!!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. #TM has overdosed from vinegar!#

    #Justice for Cheng Yunling!! ( T-T ‘what have I done in my pass life aah—-‘#

    #YOU CLUELESS MALE LEAD!!!!! ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶#

  3. Vinegar will cause overthinking and it has been proven by our dear Tan Mingjin lmfao

    Poor Cheng YunLing! (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ Best of luck, girl! Life is hard but talking to a brokenhearted Shi Qing might be harder.

    Thank you for the chapterr!! ( ◜‿◝ )♡

  4. Wasn’t SQ literally saying that he has feelings for TM directly to his face?🤔

    How did he miss that!!?


  5. Huh?!!?1?!?!!

    What in the world, Shi Qing is litteraly confessing to him, and yet that dumb previously straight uncle of his can’t figure it out?!?!?!!? Unholy screeching.

    Deep breath. Okay, let’s analize the situation. Shi Qing confessed his feeling to his uncle, however, his uncle is a previously straight workaholig man with no dating experience at all-… We have a hopeless case in here, even my

    (self-proclaimed)high couseling skills can’t seem to work.

    We can only wait and hope for our Shi Qing to force sense in that walking vinegar jar.


    Thank you for the chapter.

  6. ai Chen Yuling….If I can get in, I would help you…in extreme way…someone need to whack Tan Mingjin head…

  7. Hahah TMJ didnt even realize that SQ confessed to him… Poor CYL.

    Thanks for the chapter

  8. thanks for the chapter ! ♡

    aah, good luck, cheng yunling… you’ll need it to deal with such a situation, coupled with that massive brain hole…

  9. TMJ drank vinegar and it burned through his pre existing brain hole and his IQ has temporarily gone offline.

    This is why you should be careful with acids.

    Thanks for the chapter ~

  10. Do I just have a similarly shaped brain hole???? Why do I think that SQ’s confession was actually very oblique and that it’s not surprising that Uncle didn’t get it???? CYL’s plan better be to confess again but loudly and clearly stating names this time like you’re filling out your bank info over the phone LOL

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  11. Yes. Yes, it’s too late. Sadly. And- I happen to find it absolutely lovely that you’ve been trapped.. though that doesn’t matter but still.. good luck!!

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!!!

  12. I want to slap this uncle… Aaaah he is just too much!!!!

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️