Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 108


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  1. Awwww!!!! Clips are very useful, no?

    Thank you for the chapter and take care!! Stay far, too, dear translators and everyone else that might have helped!! You guys are the absolute best!!

  2. HAHAHAH Tan Mingjin seems to have a cute side to him too… Using clips and holding his breath to prevent Shi Qing from showing his shoulder? So cute.

  3. I’m dying over both Shi Qings seduction attempts and Tan Mingjins attempts to ignore it. He really clipped his clothes oh my god 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!! ❤️

  4. oh no, now that shi qing’s clothes are gathered up tightly, they sit right next to his skin and tan mingjin can still see!

    thanks for the chapter! ♡

  5. I can’t cope with this man. His brains keep liquifying and flowing out, the more contact he has with his “child”. This would have only been better if Shi Quing had been whacking off under the blanket. Though I guess that goes against his innocent image.

    I want to see more of this trainwreck!


  6. Thank You for the Chapter!! It came exactly when i needed it! Im all healed! Thanks for the hard work ( ◜‿◝ )♡

  7. … wth? President follow the script ah 😂 you have to feel more not make him look like a dumpling 😂