Escape the Infinite ChambersCh99 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XXIX)


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Translator's Note

Specks of white snow blooming: This is something figurative… mainly, before someone faints or stands up too abruptly after vigorous exercise, one will experience this phenomenon.

Kitty: It’s caused by low blood pressure, and I think in English people say that they “see stars”?

Translator's Note

spark that sets the prairie ablaze(idiom): a single spark could set the entire field on fire. Could be used figuratively to describe a war, or literally.

Translator's Note

The wheels of fate started to turn: this could also mean that fate had turned for the worse depending on how the reader perceives.

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  1. Uuuh I don’t wanna guuuessss aaaahhh is it Lou Jian’s past self? Or Ah Lan’s? Aaaaaahhh or aaaaaaahhhh.. this is getting me awake aaaaaaahhh wilk I be able to sleep tonight D:

    I even made a fanart for the boy because he’s just so intriguing TvT

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Fate my ascot. It’s not fate if a person is controlling everything. Smh I want them to win but it looks like no matter what that little devil kid will insure they lose.

    • I think it was mentioned before vampire captain is similar to real vampire. Maybe he is able to resurrect even with near death unless it is with those silver weapon thingy or sunlight (which is tough luck in a tomb).

      I wonder who the kid is.. I had thought it is Luo Jian’s future self because him knowing the event that transpire. But is it possible for two souls to exist on the same dimension/space because I believed secret chambers is a space of its own? I kinda feel the kid is gentle towards everyone but kinda cold towards JianJian. Is it with the principle two same souls can’t be near and “recognize” each other.. thus he never hold conversation with JianJian?? I wanted to guess Ah Lan’s future self until he said “I miss you” to Xing Yan 😅.