Escape the Infinite ChambersCh95 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XXV)


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  1. Deeymmm.. who’s that child.. aaaahhh and Ah Lan T.T huhu

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. thank you for the chapter! it’s a giant BUG…. and it’s a bug with unknown goals, the system just ignored him… doesn’t seem like a thing the omnipotent system would do

    • You get the feeling the secret chamber is omnipotent? To be honest I get the feeling the secret chamber is very chaotic. It gave Duan Li impression that secret chamber is experimenting with human is also due to this chaoticness. I think secret chambers had many layers of authority or systems that have some that look into human more favourably gave that kid the weapon aka umbrella and knowingly created the bug. Secret chambers acted like it wanted to be cleared yet at the same time resisted it greatly.

  3. I have two theories for that annoying kid:

    1) he is the secret chamber himself, he created it and has been controling it for a long time

    2) he is the strongest stalker, the one who defeated and wiped XY’s team in the last battle