Escape the Infinite ChambersCh87 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XVIII)


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Translator's Note

DPS: Damage per second. An abbreviation commonly used in games. DPS is the amount of damage a weapon, other equipment, player, or group of players can do against an enemy in an online game. 2. DPS can also refer to equipment the player is using. (Cr:

Translator's Note

Dropped: referring to game drops in games. Specifically, when a mob or a boss is defeated, the items or props that would drop. 

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  1. Oooh yeah Given huhu the movie already came out in Japan huhu.. and what’s the title of that novel (a spin-off?)? TvT)/ aaaahhhh maybe the aliens made the chambers.. hahaha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Hmmm ive been putting off watching given… is this a sign for me to continue?? Lol

    All the CPs: Nyom nyom

    Spectre, the lightbulb: Do I have to do everything around here??

    Also… im detecting… that Duan Li…. might backstab us…. i….

  3. Aaahhh I’ve also watched the Given and I remembered I made an english version of Fuyu no Hanashi and after looking at the lyrics I made I almost want to choke myself to death lmao it was so cringe wtf was my dumbass past thinking 😭

    Anyways, I’m excited to read the next chaps thanks for the chappies again!💞