Escape the Infinite ChambersCh77 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (VIII)


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Translator's Note

This ‘ink’ here refers to Chinese painting ink (水墨). Keep in mind that the previous chp raws didn’t indicate this ‘ink’ part. 

Translator's Note

scroll painting’s axle head: Refers to this part of the scroll: axle head

Translator's Note

We are predestined to meet – This is not a super apt translation, but this is the only way I thought of expressing in English. The literal translation is – ‘We have fate.’ It’s more of a Chinese expression to say when you meet someone (you like) again. It can also be said in a sarcastic way.  

Translator's Note

That’s really smart… If you have a life-long contract, you can’t return to reality but can get one wish. Therefore, he wishes to break the contract and regains his chance to return… I’m so glad he found a loophole!

Translator's Note

This is initially censored. Kitty gave a suggestion that it might be ‘desires’.

Translator's Note

To be precise, it’s elder brother (哥 : ge). But for consistency’s sake and for natural sounding English… from this point onward, LJ will call him ‘brother.’

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  1. Uwaaaaaaahhhh IT’S HIS LONG LOST COUSIN!!!! Aaaaahhh !! This is nice.. and new update schedule!!! Whooaaaa~

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. I had shiver because it was so heartwarming… he’s such a cinnamon roll ;^; [thank you for the chapter! wow you translated the whole novel pretty fast… the NU’s page says it’s 206 chapters-long :dizzyemojithatIcan’tfind:]

    • IKR… I just want to hug Luo Feng!!
      Yeah, I was only fast because I’m waiting for my semester to start and I want to finish translating by then. Once my semester starts my translating speed would slow down significantly. ;A; And I still have a couple of chapters left before I’m done with it! ^^

  3. Hi

    How are you?

    My name is Amy Carvajal. I’m a Spanish translator with the necessary permissions from English translators.

    My message is to ask your permission to translate, the story called: Escape the Infinite Chamber by Zǐ Jiè

    Everything will be with the translation rights.

    I will be waiting for your reply.

  4. I dont understand, can anyone tell me why the mc not telling his cousin his name? I mean i know he cant remember but mc know who he is so why?

    • Probably the same as what happened during Xing Yan. He didn’t want to see a second scene of a person “not caring, not having feeling over their existence” (the scene where Duan Li called out Xing Yan name for the first time. Luo Jian felt suffocated seeing Xing Yan no reaction whatsoever over the name). I remember Chinese hold a strong belief over “name” being a symbol of a person’s life. That is why good name is important as it is believed it can strengthen a person fate. So I think in a way, Luo Jian afraid to utter Luo Feng’s name and have Luo Feng said or any action indicating he didn’t know that name… in a way, denying his own existence, it is nonexistent. Maybe.
  5. So Luo Feng will joined the team here. Considering Xing Yan is here, I think Xing Yan’s target is Luo Feng and not Duan Li. Wonder how Xing Yan will react later seeing Luo Jian will definitely shelter his ge 🤭.