Escape the Infinite ChambersCh72 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (III)


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Translator's Note

Eat you alive and not even spit out your bones: Utterly destroy someone

Translator's Note

Xiao Li’s flying knife: Based on Gu Long’s wuxia novel (Sentimental Swordsman, Ruthless Sword) Duoqing Jianke Wuqing Jian of the Xiaoli Feidao Series. The main character, Li XunHuan, rose to prominence for the expert use of his Xiao Li flying knives. Many dramas were made (not sure if any of you here have watched). Anyway, this novel is a Chinese classic and even though not everybody has read this novel, almost everybody growing up in a Chinese speaking family (I think) has probably heard of Xiao Li’s flying knives. Basically, the author is trying to express that Clown is an expert at using his scalpels.

Translator's Note

Karma, bitch!! LOL; LJ is so sassy sorry I can’t help it

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  1. AAAAHHHH LJ!!! Just wow.. deym look those moved huhu

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. thank you for the chapter ❤️ [free-fall fight! I wonder how LJ will survive that…]

  3. Thanks for the chapterino:3

    I keep kind of hoping a certain red eyes boi will appear and terrify them, haha..

  4. Should have just done that from the beginning. Though I understand the contrast author wanted to show. Actively become murderer or forced to become one. No wonder Duan Li and Xing Yan turned out that way, it is really a cruel space that stripped you of your human skin layer by layer. I wonder whether Luo Feng had ever killed a player? A spectre is just an observer right? So why the chamber needed them? Slowly, they also lost memories and sense of existence as human being, so in the end, what will chamber to the clean slate Spectre? 🧐