Escape the Infinite ChambersCh65 - Burial Grounds (XI)


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Translator's Note

I think the author is still implying his clothes were wet, but again, I’m not sure.

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  1. thanks for the chapter ! I wanted to see Xing Yan a little more snif T^T

  2. Lol XY you still haven’t learned your lesson tsk3x that guy from the other dimension would tell you of again hahaha.. lol nice cosplay haha.. aiyaaa I wanna change to XY’s POV lol 🙈🙈🙈 he really loves to rip clothes deym..

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. Unpopular opinion: I’d rather not have any smut if it’s at the expense of rape. I prefer fluffy consensual smut and not forcible entry.

  4. unpopular opinion: I think both ships XY x LJ and DL x Lan are quite the same. Both the semes are murderer (albeit because of the chamber), both are coercive, both like to kiss (?), both are idk rap*st (?) but there’s difference in personality and all and the ukes maybe because they are lifelong brothers, they are of the same braincells. Both weak to good looks, and get attached to their stalkers, only for LJ part, he already falls for XY and Lan? maybe it’s just a matter of time.

  5. if lj can feel xy’s emotions of lust through their bond then why doesn’t xy like stop when lj feels apprehensive and terrified?? both cps feel so one sided..