Escape the Infinite ChambersCh64 - Burial Grounds (X)


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Translator's Note

** 🡪 the raws literally said that. I want to interpret that he’s naked, but I’m sure he’s not. Usually I’d fill it in with a word when it’s censored, but I’m really not sure this time. Interpret as y’all seem fit. I personally feel that it’s probably his whole body is wet.

Translator's Note

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: the author is referring to the literal meaning. The figurative meaning meant unnoticed talents. The author is also not referring to the Hong Kong movie :3

Translator's Note

The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty was Qin ShiHuang, real name Zhao Zheng and he is also known for being the first ruler that unified China. A lot of historical Chinese dramas were made about him. 

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  1. XING YAN OMG!!!! Lol AAAAHHHHHH!!!! Oh gahd my excitement skyrocketed lol.. and I have a very bad premonition about these terracotta beings below the sarcophagus.. aiyaaaa i hope it’ll go well.. but deym XY !! Aaaahhh!!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. AAAAHH IT’S HIM !!! XING YAN ! <333 thank you for the chapter ! I was sure it would be him in the coffin xD

  3. Ahahaha, I was just waiting for him lol

    Do we now get a hot, smexy time in the tomb with.. a lot of spectators? xD

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  4. A vampire! It’s confirmed Lou Jian’s hubby is a vampire XD XD XD

  5. Quick question… does one smell underwater 😂. But then again, fantasy so…yes.

  6. LMAO the ending came so unexpected xD But then again, I’m not complaining ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Let the action begin I’d say

  7. Lovely translation as always.

    On a side not, when I read “red rabbit eyes”, I immediately thought of you, FleurDeLys (because of your dp). 😂

  8. LJ: fearing there’s going to be something scary in the coffin


    LJ: …….WTF?!

  9. So this time Xing Yan roleplaying the “God” role? Is this foreshadowing something? I remember Luo Jian had said before, he had a weird feeling, if he think of dying, he thought dying by su*c#de is what he will do in the end. In 1st chamber he stabbed Xing Yan, 2nd chamber Xing Yan roleplay the woman’s dead husband.. and now 3rd chamber he woke up in a tomb (signifying again, death). Is this foreshadowing their initial tragic tale??