Escape the Infinite ChambersCh47 - Escaping From Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake (VI)


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Translator's Note

Curriculum material room is essentially a storage room that holds teaching materials. 

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  1. Curious curious curious hmmm I forgot to comment on the last chapter thatb if the diary was written backwards why didn’t the MC just use the mirror to read it instead

    • Maybe they meant reverse as in reverse order not flipped words. Cause remember each chinese characters is equivalent to a english word eg. Word = 字 so I’m assuming when the author says write in reverse its the order of the words and not the letters? So using a mirror won’t matter.

      But tbh doesn’t really make any sense too loll since its a mirror world the words should be mirrored. Even if the small mirror was too shattered to discern and words he could have held the diary up to the big mirror.

      So hmmmmmmm

  2. Okay, I had the thought longer that he’s the 35th person, bc of the “your face is my face” part… but my brain won’t produce more lol No idea how he’ll leave xD

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  3. Aiyaaa so the person didn’t exist.. now the question is which door will he open or is it okay as long as he found both the keys and open whichever door since he didn’t exist in the first place? And maybe they died because the 35th student haunted them? Hahahahaha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. thank you for the chapter! We still don’t know what was the Stalker role in this chamber…

    • If the 35th student does not exist in the normal world then he should exist in the mirage? It exists in the same way that corpses do not exist in mirage

      Either the stalker is the 35th student in the mirage and when the girl died he came out of the mirage to kill everyone responsible for the girl’s death in reality.

  5. I just want to say that those students and that teacher got what they deserved. That poor girl….😭😭😭😭

  6. Goodness I kind of feel disappointed I think many of us must have figured out most of this after reading the poem for the first time. But I figured it was to easy so I thought I was wrong.

  7. Honestly, the first time when he asked himself the question, where/who is the 35th student? I wanted to say, “it’s you”… But it dragged on for so long till he realised… I almost doubted myself there… Sigh… Good that I was right!!! Now I have the confidence to say what my first thoughts were!!!!! sigh… He’s so dumb I almost cried when he realized… “omg! Baby, You finally realised!”

  8. alr thought of this long ago that he’s the 35th student (so obvious on the latter part where his whole body didnt exist, but that time im still not sure about that) ; but the story revealing the truth itself is way more creepy / creepier than investigating myself. it’s just like the first one where the corpse’s located in the wall. LMAO good job making me creeped out man. 😵

  9. i had a feeling right from start that he himself was the 35th student but i wasnt sure since im bad at puzzle or case solving stuffs

  10. So it is not DID! The setting is the beautiful girl had a lover once! She just had mental collapse and become delusional to keep her lover’s existence to support her life. No wonder she can’t wait to die.. while she persevere to live, she also dream to reunite with her lover sooner to end the misery. What a tragic life she lead.