Escape the Infinite ChambersCh38 - Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake (II)


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  1. Hey fleur! Thank you so much for picking up this novel <3 I was wondering if you were still looking for an editor?

    • Hi Ryuu

      Thanks for asking! :DI have an editor now and we’re working on the edits :3 Please bear with my unedited chapters for now ORZ

  2. Thank you for picking up this novel! I got chills when I read the description of the environment.

    I really shouldn’t read this at 1:00 pm. | ´ω`|φ

  3. Thank you for translating these chapters! Also, I was waiting for him to try looking for the student register once he found out the papers carry the students names. Then he could grab a test from each desk and find out who he replaced. Well, I’ll find out if he does something like this in the following chapters