Escape the Infinite ChambersCh37 - Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake (I)


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Translator's Note

Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake(idiom): an unrealistic view of something; a rose-tinted view

Translator's Note

Originally, it was four words due to the 4 Chinese characters of the title of the secret chamber. I changed it here to fit the context.

Translator's Note

A popular search engine in China.

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  1. Omg!!! Finally!! And it’s in CG aaaaahhhh~ Thank you so much translator-san!!!! Whoooaaaaaaaaaa– now i hope i can finally see some stalker x LJ moments hahahaha

    • Sorry spoiler for next chapter. Dont read! I was trying to post a comment for the next chapter, but I think I accidentally hit back without noticing?

    • Hi, the novel starts from c1, I picked this novel up from Taida from Taida Translations and resumed the translation from c37. You can read chapter 1 from her website, and the link is in the EIC novel summary page. 😀

  2. This novel has been on my to-read list for quite a while and took me long enough to read ’cause I’m really not a fan of thriller/horror. But this is awesome! It creeps me out but I can’t help my self getting hooked with this novel. The thrill is exhilarating! If you’re a reader with wide imagination and likes exciting, blood pumping scene this novel is a must read!

    Better late than never, thank you for picking this up~