Escape the Infinite ChambersCh192 - Valiant Battle (X)


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Translator's Note

to speak in human language when he met a human and speak in ghost language when he met a ghost. (见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话): To remain adaptable in all situations. 

Translator's Note

Schadenfreude: pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.

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  1. LMAO DL cheering on that he isn’t the only one to be dissected but huh, it’d be interesting to see an army following a smol boy… ah well

    thank u for the update!

  2. I just imagine them all playing truth and dare when theyre with the dish deity

    Dish deity can confirm if someone lies :^)

  3. Duan Li really do be feeling crazy out of this group of people. Abyss group: The lover, the bestfriend, the cousin and the Duan Li 🤣. Poor him lol.