Escape the Infinite ChambersCh105 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XXXV)


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  1. The last few chapters were too much for my useless brain lololol And now I’m confused again.. or still confused? Which one is the right exit now? :’D Complicated xDD

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  2. ohhhhh mysterious. I wonder what happened for (is this a spoiler?? Most people have guessed right?) for LJ to appear but in this form. Thanks for the chapter!

    • Thanks for reading!
      Don’t worry, I don’t think it’s a spoiler. But I’m not going to reveal the identity of the child here hehe, you guys will find out whether is the kid LJ or not in future chapters!

  3. Dang I can’t help finding it almost funny and not very surprising that the “fair” competition was rigged from the start since he said going up led to the exit yet clearly they’re going in the wrong direction if Clown is heading to the exit. Specter “might” be able to beat him to the exit but it seems unlikely. It’s also possibly a red herring to separate Specter from his team.

  4. Maly diabeł jest nawiedzony i ma swoje urojenia, ale od kiedy Ah lan sie podpisal na kartce caly czas mnie irytował a teraz mam nadzieje że juz wiecej o nim nie przeczytam 🤬🤬🤬

  5. Oh! The kid tricked Luo Jian! And the pen power is still working.. the enemy team indeed one step ahead! The key truly activated the door to exit. It was just unlike what the kid made people believed, that the exit is above since the tree moved.. the exit is below, under the ruin after the tree extracted itself from the ground!! Really. Now everything is up to Spectre but he is the most clueless of the team about kid’s existence and abilities 😂. I think it is brilliant to leave him last because Spectre truly is the brain of the team and he is the one familiar with Luo Jian’s child phase.