Escape the Infinite ChambersCh103 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XXXIII)


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Translator's Note

Unmatchable height: ok this is literally what the author said. Basically it’s really hard to translate this into English, but what the author is trying to express is that since the face-off takes place across time & space, it remains uninterruptible and reaches a height no one can reach. 

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  1. AAAAAHHHHHH I’m going crazy– I can feel something.. like this is a turning point for something.. huhu deym the dagger and all, the eyes and all–

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. I don’t know what to think about this situation!! I am very curious about what will happen

    Thank you very much for the chapter, it never ceases to amaze me!!


  3. About the fanart….. Am I the only one who imagined him in a dim yellow raincoat? I might draw that tho.

  4. Hmm, I remembered that when Scepter was still looking over at his Dad’s shop (LJ’s uncle) LJ also saw a boy with an umbrella.

  5. It is impossible to transfer the identity of NPC.. truly, the chamber left me baffled. Originally, this trial chamber should have no exit but the god constructed a secret passageway. Then the chamber imposed “ghost” identity to Luo Jian as if to ensure at least Luo Jian must escape the secret chamber. But in the first place secret chamber had thrown Luo Jian in it expecting no exit, but as if knowing there is exit, it imposed the role with 100% chance to escape on Luo Jian… that sounded like infinite loop or time paradox doesn’t it??? I am so confused. And what the kid trying to do is “deceive fate”.. which fate is he trying to deceive?? The one trying to seal Luo Jian or the one trying to help Luo Jian??? The HE in the kid’s mouth is who? Ying? Hahahaha I just keep inserting Ying here and there because he is named with no apparent role yet 🤣.