Escape the Infinite ChambersCh102 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XXXII)


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Translator's Note

Shift(拟): this shift could mean many different things, from draft or draw up plans to plans and intention, and to imitate. But I feel that the author meant the 拟 from the word模拟 (imitate/shapeshift).

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  1. OOOOOOOOHHH I SEE IT.. lol deym this made our the guessing game stronger ❤️❤️ eiiiii~ now I wonder how it became like that tho.. and he said they need to do it.. hmmmmmm

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. thank you for the chapter!

    author is giving us so many mixed signals idk what to think

  3. Personally, just wanna stab someone. Especially Feng Yulan. Get your head straight! Even if that is Luo Jian in another body, that’s not YOUR Luo Jian, either the present or the one you know. GRRRRR JUST STOP IT ALREADY! I blame Feng Yulan. Will always blame, will never stop blaming, frustration. 😤

  4. Ah Lan, you are definitely not the one who should give such advices in relationship, you are definitely not the one.

  5. Why is everyone in the comments starting to hate Feng Yulan??? The author has already said before that FYL and LJ will always be good friends, have a little faith in him

    This novel is far from over, no way they are dying this early on

  6. I hate the annouing kid and Feng YuLan so much. Can they just be stuck in a chamber somewhere together for eternity and never come back? Both are extremly awful

  7. Oh! It is future Luo Jian!! Not Luo Jian’a shadow?? I am back to my initial guess 🤣. Thus this means Luo Jian died in the future, so now it is his shadow moving around? So the kid is trying to change some events to prevent some future event?? But he didn’t know Luo Jian and Xing Yan had become lovers… meaning the present is already very different than what he knows of. Is it possible Luo Jian becomes strong enough in another timeline and partnered with real Xing Yan? Then what is happening now? Should we let him win or let him lose? Which one will be more beneficial to MC Luo Jian?