Escape the Infinite ChambersCh101 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XXXI)


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  1. Thank you for translating this chapter! Ahhhh I hope that they’ll manage to get the pendant halves from the other team!

  2. thank you for the chapter!

    hhhh wouldn’t it be funny if the boy’s identity wasn’t part of the team?

  3. Aaaaahhh it’s LJ i think (final haha) lol this is truly interesting!!~ and if you have a way through words that pen is just the best weapon really.. haha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇 fighting in your school!!!

    • It should be Luo Jian’s dagger will/consciousness right? Like Ah Lan’s grimoire. I think the phrasing of the kid telling “I didn’t realise you are this weak” and then next Luo Jian saying he felt his dagger is dull and can’t kill anyone.. it felt the kid is talking about the dagger too which might be him talking about himself. That is why the kid called Luo Jian’s small animal before. Because I remember Ah Lan’s grimoire also had once nicknamed Ah Lan with something that sounded similar, like degrading-but-not kinda pet name. Since Ah Lan’s grimoire truly is part of his soul, his shadow as shown in that edge of hell part. Thus Ah Lan saw the kid’s soul the same as Luo Jian.. Jian’s shadow.

      That pen is a cheat!! What if next chamber the woman just wrote the same “my team is always a step ahead my enemy team”.. that is unfair.

  4. I kind of hated Ah Lan (for now). But a story without conflict is boring soooo 😆

  5. I don’t care if that boy is somehow the future Luo Jian or someone else Feng YuLan knows he’s still betraying his team. Even if that’s technically a team member from the future he has no idea how they got their, if the chamber altered their mind, etc. I could understand if he acted out of being hypnotized but I hate that he betrayed his team just because he knows the person. I mean I could maybe understand it if the “kid” revealed to him his actions are part of some elharote plan that would benefit them yet his blind trust is ridiculously annoying. The team seems doomed to lose this battle because “it’s fated”. Smh
  6. No matter what happens I’m still with Ah Lan! (︶︿︶)=凸 Y’all are always so quick to judge, like that time where you fr thought Xin Yan would betray Luo Jian

  7. Damn that Yan Hua lady seems to own a Death Note lmao… too bad when it comes to Chinese, even when names are spoken out loud, you would still need to know which characters make up a person’s name to write it down!

  8. No matter the story is going in the future but now you cant refuse that once Ah Lan betrayed his team. betray is always betray. I hate someone like Ah Lan so much.