Escape the Infinite ChambersCh100 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (XXX)


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Translator's Note

my esteemed self: FYL said “benzhun(本尊)” which is a term a king or a lord uses to refer themselves. But my esteemed self fit better in this context and I want to keep everything in English as much as possible, so I translated it as that. 

Translator's Note

Don’t know the reason why: the author deliberately left it open-ended. It could mean a lot of things. 

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  1. Omg idk who the boy is, this story tends to surprise me with sudden twists and new characters 😂 uuuhhh idkkkk, maybe he’s kid-version of luo jian? He was sickly as a kid wasn’t it, maybe he actually died and the secret chambers too him hahahahha what even is my guess, I’m sure there’s a better guess out there 🤪

    Thank you very much for the translations!! 💕

      • I thought it is Luo Jian from the future. But now I think it should be Luo Jian’s shadow or his weapon’s consciousness/will. It seems he is surprised to see Luo Jian’s intimacy with stalker but isn’t resistant about it. So his “I miss you” to stalker either means he saw him as comrade as fellow shadow or he truly missed stalker that had helped him many time before, platonic. This made me think of something, in secret chamber, are all players lost their shadows, split into two beings?? Like when player enter, their shadow is held hostage by the secret chamber? Hmmm I am enjoying this story that is never going into what I had imagine 😆.
  2. Aaaaaaaaahhhh why am i thinking it’s duan li.. lol the suspect is all of the team members of LJ’s team excluding Ah Lan lol

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

      • True.. haha or it could be LJ himself like an alter ego of some sort when he’s still a kid, maybe he’s involved with the chambers in the past that’s why he’s constantly sick and dragged his cousin in the process aaaaaahhhhhh

  3. I remember this kid appeared before and went to check.

    Chapter 53 he was observing Lou Jian’s uncle store.

    Alan said he’s a conrade. So maybe a dead chilhood friend/relative ?

    Sooooo confusing

  4. I feel like the boy is LJ but from the future because he is a lot more powerful. Perhaps this ability to erase his presence is the upgraded version of his current low level ability to hide his presence like when he was pretending to be a corpse. And this also explains why he would save LJ when his neck was cut by Clown. Also he asked if it felt like looking at a mirror while looking at LJ. This also explains why he told XY “I miss you”.

    I’m like 85% positive. If this boy is not LJ then idk who he is

  5. I am starting to think that the boy is Luo Jian himself. Because, if there is anyone that can get Ah Lan to betray Luo Jian; who is like his brother, his only family; is Luo Jian. Not to mention the foreshadowing by the author and the fact that the boy saved Luo Jian when he could have easily killed him. And the one who couldn’t know about his existence has to be his present form.