Do You Remember My Name?Chapter 65


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  1. Ji Yaqi, instead of gaining something you lost more instead. SMH. You should’ve just sat there and ate your food.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. Nothing good comes from being ruthless and mean spirited JY! sigh I worry about the fictional youth of today…

  3. Umm, the sentence ” Al Tjdl’r tfjv afjmtfg bqfcfv atf vbbg obg Al Tjdl’r tfjv afjmtfg, ktb tegglfvis rjlv tfiib.” was a little strange. Made it seem like there were two head teachers and one opened the door for the other.

    And it’s true that what goes around, come around (at least in stories). She was being mean spirited to Hai Xiu, and now she was being suppressed.

    Thanks for the update!

      • Don’t know what’s wrong, maybe copy pasting did something wrong.

        The sentence was: Ji Yaqi’s head teacher opened the door for Ji yaqi’s head teacher, who hurriedly said hello.

        Hope it transmits properly now that I’ve typed it out without touching copy-paste.

  4. Biiiiiiiitch, I swear everyone is too nice. I would have blathered my mouth a long ass time ago the minute the second letter showed up 😒😒

    Thanks for the chapter! 😘

  5. Ni Meilin was at a loss for words. After
    she found out that Hai Xiu knew that the cancellation was not because of
    his record in junior high, her mental state immediately changed. She
    lost her previous pitiful appearance, and instead was a bit… fired up? – I am pretty sure the whole paragraph (except the first sentence) is about Hai Xiu, not the teacher. He found out, his mental state changed, et cetera.

  6. “Ni Meilin was at a loss for words. After she found out that Hai Xiu knew that the cancellation was not because of his record in junior high, her mental state immediately changed. She lost her previous pitiful appearance, and instead was a bit… fired up. ”

    Ah i think this should be ‘his mental state immediatly changed, he lost his previous pitiful appearance….’etc.

    Jesus this girl should seriously go mind her own business. Just take it like a decent human being that he doesn’t like you in that way(or in any way now, for that matter) and move on. Don’t be so stupidly petty jeez.

    Thank you for the chapter!!💜💜💜