Do You Remember My Name?Chapter 60


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  1. Thank you for the chapter! And I think you accidentally wrote Hai Xiu as Hae Soo in a sentence 🙂

  2. Unfairly deducting points?! Shows what kind of character they teach at that school. Feng Fei must work hard to be Hai Xiu’s hubby in college as well.

  3. Oh dear, I tried to deal with the short-tempered dean and odd school rules, but now unfairly deducting scores? Just how good is this school full of study gods actually? (òヘ ó )

  4. I was just thinking, after reading this chapter, how happy our baby Hai Xiu has come to be 🥰 I feel so proud of my fictional baby boy, precious sweety getting the love and assurance he deserves will finally reach new heights of healthy happiness 😙💕 that ratchet as old school teacher can suck nut rot ane mime himself 💀 thank you so much for the translation !!