Do You Remember My Name?Chapter 53


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  1. FX is getting some hints alright. I feel like it won’t be long before he uncovers the truth.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  2. Thanks for the chapter!! I’m getting so anxious! I hope there isn’t too much angst and trouble in paradise coming up in the near future. I mean if it’s there, it’s there… just, my heart is going to be so bruised!!

  3. It’s only a matter of time until FX confronts FF. Though I guess he’d rather wait until after the college entrance exams… Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I find rather sad that two people who are very much in love has to hide it from their respective families just because both of them are of the same gender. I mean, what’s with that?! Love is love regardless of gender! It doesn’t make them any less human and who they love is their own business! And I find it endearing that Feng Fei is so tolerant, indulging and patient with his sweet, adorkable wife Haixiu!

    Blessing them a blissful future without any troubles! 😘

    • The fear of being forcefully separated after having been found out. 🤧 It’s a sad reality in the LGBT community, not all people can understand and accept, much less support their relationship; and what’s sadder is that are against them the most are their parents. I just hope that their parents (Feng Fei’s and Hai Xiu’s) can accept their relationship and support them. 😓

  5. Soulless I absolutely love your sense of humor. Your notes at the end have me laughing so hard. And thank you for your hard work.