Don't You Like MeCh4.2 - Exactly who is scaring whom to death?

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Christmast Tree created by b_o & bleutailfly. VzD5t

Hope you have a fantastic day and LOTS of gifts!

Enjoy Lin Feiran’s first ghosts sighting! Mwahahahaha! 😀

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Translator: Melimeli, Editors: Pyrrhae, XD, Iced zf4edH

Lin Feiran looked at the medication. Although he didn’t want to accept Gu Kaifeng’s goodwill, his body felt really weak. He tore open the box of medicine and took the correct amount and also obediently drank the small bowl of warm congee until not a drop was left. After he drank, his body warmed up a lot and the chill that had lingered was gone without a trace. Lin Feiran wiped his mouth and went to sleep comfortably.

Lin Feiran didn’t know how long he slept but when he woke up, the dorm room light was already turned off. A soft light shone from below; Gu Kaifeng must be using a small lamp to read a book.

Lin Feiran squinted. He wasn’t fully awake. The first thing that entered his mind was the fact that his grandpa had passed, which immediately made Lin Feiran feel sad again. The second thing was that his fever seemed to have gone away and the weakness he felt before sleeping was mostly all gone. His head didn’t hurt and he also didn’t feel nauseous. He felt the weakness was only ‘mostly’ gone because it seemed as though a small part of the cold energy still lingered in his body.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lin Feiran didn’t pay attention to this and only thought that the medicine Gu Kaifeng bought was very effective. He licked his lips; his throat and mouth were very dry, so he just wanted to get up and drink some water. Suddenly, a strange male voice could be heard beside his ear—— “Wake up, wake up ah everyone, the sky is completely dark, get up high!”

iXy sg

Olc Mflgjc delnfgfv lc ogluta jcv lwwfvljafis ybiafv eqgluta bc atf yfv——atfgf kfgf bcis akb qfbqif ilnlcu lc atlr vbgw gbbw: tlw jcv Xe Bjlofcu. Qtfgf vlv atf nblmf bo atlr atlgv wjc mbwf ogbw?

Coafg Olc Mflgjc rja eq, obeg bg olnf ragjcuf nblmfr mtjaafgfv ja atf rjwf alwf lc atf gbbw. Megatfgwbgf, atfgf kfgf ybat wjif jcv ofwjif nblmfr!

“Alright, get up lah.”
“So early calling people to get up……”
“The moon is shining on your asses, you lazybones!”

Lin Feiran grabbed the bedpost, sticking his head out from the upper bunk to look below…… only to see that the supposed-to-be-vacant dorm room was, since god knows when, squeezed full of people. There were probably fourteen to fifteen people – some of them standing, some sitting, and some even laying on the floor! Lin Feiran’s heart couldn’t take it anymore and wildly pounded – his chest almost burst apart. While he was engrossed in the shocking scene, a long haired woman who stood below Lin Feiran’s bed suddenly lifted her head and stared at him. vh6mHN

Seeing clearly the woman’s appearance for a second, Lin Feiran could feel the blood in his body freeze.

That was one heck of a horrible face.

A face with ash-grey skin and empty, pitch-black eye sockets from which a pair of white, pupilless eyeballs dangled stared horrifically in Lin Feiran’s direction. Her pale grey skin was filled with crevices and holes, like a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces were incorrectly jammed together. Her entire face looked like an old, dry patch of clay, cracked to expose the dark red rotten flesh underneath……

Ghosts! I just saw ghosts! nNZk5c

This clear, cold realization was like a devastating bomb that exploded in Lin Feiran’s heart, spreading dread that instantly tore apart his sanity!

Lin Feiran thought that he was screaming but no sound actually came out, as if his throat was sealed with fear. His whole body froze for a few seconds like a clay statue before abruptly springing into action.

Lin Feiran got out of the bed in a very simplified manner: he supported himself on the bedpost with one hand, pushed off of the mattress, and jumped straight from the upper bunk to stomp heavily onto the floor.

“AAAAAAAAAH!” The female ghost that almost made Lin Feiran’s heart stop out of fear stepped back and complained loudly: “What are you doing so suddenly ah! Scaring me to death!” Yrzqpa

Lin Feiran then pounced onto Gu Kaifeng’s bed and he actually wanted to retort——go to your old man! Between us, who exactly is scaring whom to death!?

The person who was reading a book on the lower bunk, Gu Kaifeng, was also startled. His roommate who had been sleeping on the upper bunk, without rhyme or reason, suddenly jumped down without a word and pounced on his body……

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“What’s with you?” Gu Kaifeng asked unhappily as his face sank.

Lin Feiran was completely straddling Gu Kaifeng’s thighs. His two arms hugged his archnemesis’s upper body with enough strength to strangle him, embracing him with all his might. His chest was hyperventilating as it pressed tightly against Gu Kaifeng’s chest, and his hysterical heartbeat could be felt through his thin body. 7Sb2Fa

“Wuu……” a weak moan came out of Lin Feiran’s throat, just like the sound of a small animal.

Gu Kaifeng’s mind went blank for a moment, the hand that was planning to push Lin Feiran away hanging stiffly in the air. His tone became much warmer and he asked again: “What is it?”

“Wuahh……” Lin Feiran whimpered again. Since the moment he lunged onto Gu Kaifeng’s bed, he actually wanted to yell loudly: “There are ghosts!”, but the strange thing is, no matter what, he couldn’t say those three words! It’s as if he was suddenly mute. Even if he worked hard to move his tongue and vocal cords, the sounds that he managed to squeeze out were all moans……

Lin Feiran’s voice cracked as he howled: “Fuck! I’m a mute!” dFpw7y

Gu Kaifeng: “……I can hear you.”

How am I able to speak again? Lin Feiran was embarrassed and started to talk again: “In the dorm room……” However, the three words, “there are ghosts,” still got stuck in his throat and he couldn’t say them.

Even if I can’t speak, I can still use my finger ah…… Lin Feiran didn’t think further into the reason he lost his voice; he only wanted to make Gu Kaifeng immediately aware of the strange things happening in their dorm room. Lin Feiran closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to point in the general direction of the ghosts, feeling ill at heart.

The loud noises and the many “people” in the dorm room — why was Gu Kaifeng acting like he didn’t know about them at all? mM59sH

Hearing Gu Kaifeng’s answer confirmed Lin Feiran’s doubts. Gu Kaifeng had looked in the direction in which Lin Feiran was pointing and calmly asked: “What are you pointing at?”

Lin Feiran, who hadn’t dared to open his eyes since he lunged himself into Gu Kaifeng’s embrace, carefully and cautiously let go of Gu Kaifeng and slowly opened his eyes into a slit…… The dorm room was back in its usual state: there was no female ghost and there were also none of those strange people who until just now were making quite a ruckus.

There was nothing.

“……Huh?” Lin Feiran was stupefied again. He was straddling Gu Kaifeng’s thighs and his hands were both laying on Gu Kaifeng’s chest. A pair of beautiful eyes opened wide and round, cautiously looking around like a vigilant little hamster. S54zto

Gu Kaifeng stared for a moment and asked in a rarely heard and almost gentle tone: “Did you have a nightmare?”

The crazy ghosts are finally here! :blobrofl: :blobrofl:

Gu Kaifeng is so sweet :blobaww::blobkissblush:


Translator's Note

Usually a phrase said while dancing at clubs.

Translator's Note

A pun. 懒鬼 = lazy ghosts = lazybones.

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  1. Just when I was about to go to bed. Thanks for the great translation 😁

  2. And so, the ML starts to fall for the skittish and clingy MC~ :blobkissblush:

    Thanks for the chapter! Merry Christmas to you too~!

  3. And hence, it signifies the beginning of their romance.. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
    I guess the ghosts can tell wether a person is able to see them or not though?

    Thank you for the chapter! Merry Chriatmas~ 💚

  4. I hope the ghosts aren’t bullies. That female one was funny

  5. Hahaha this is soo cute! Lol the ghost is scared of a human 😂😂😂 The ML is so sweet hihihi

  6. Ah, LF is so cute! He is bringing out GK’s love already! Thanks for the chapter!

  7. GKF is starting to fall for his looks kekekeke that vulnerable scared hamster look

  8. Yayyy!! I love the sit-astride-saddle! My fujoshi heart can be at peace now. GK is so sweet!!! And LF is just too adorable.

    Thank you for another great chapter, translator team!!! You guys are squad goals! XD

  9. First contact already hugging & straddling. LF will really made people misunderstanding. And if he can’t say ghost, how about writing it? This is getting more interesting.

  10. so cute!!! 😭😭 kaifeng is really sweet and i can totally feel how scared feiran is ;; thank you for the chapter! <3

  11. Nice job there, ghosts (^o^)丿 thank you for the translations!~

  12. He was straddling Gu Kaifeng’s thighs and his hands were both laying on Gu Kaifeng’s chest.

    That’s a position he should get used to😂

  13. Girlll shutup!!! How’s homeboy scaring you to death while you is already dead af 😹😹😹😂

  14. Il fantasma femmina che si spaventa è il top! 😂

    Grazie per questa traduzione


  15. Soooo, seems like there is a restriction and he physically can’t say anything about seeing Ghosts. Hmmmm, wonder if there is any way around this 😀

  16. I am enjoying this more than I thought I would when i selected it to read. Not at all disappointed in my choice. That last half of this chapter was weirdly (in a good way) sweet (Kaifeng’s reaction and words) AND sexy (Feirang’s desperate glueing of his body to roomie’s) . Thank you for your hard work!