Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh92 - Monster


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Translator's Note

Term used here has a connotation of being misunderstood by outsiders.

Translator's Note

In Buddhism, it is believed that reincarnation will take place within 49 days. Prayers are offered during this period to improve the odds that the deceased will experience a positive reincarnation.

Translator's Note

Innocent/pure people.

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  1. But there are animals that eat their own young. Like rabbits. >_> If you don’t believe me, you can look it up.

  2. I feel so bad for Fu Si though, dude got mind wipe thrice in less than a few weeks, as well as altered memories and now is constantly questioning his own memories, bro didn’t even try to get involved and isn’t into man but still gets dragged again and again, y’all could cut him some slack 🙁

    On the other hand, yikes, I think FL did the best, scum that eats his own children can very well face the consequences, utterly disgusting

    Thanks for the chapter! !