Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh91 - Power Failure


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Translator's Note

Meaning that people should be content with what they have, and not carry out blind comparisons.

Translator's Note

Romantic (言情) is the term used for BG, while pure love (纯爱) is the term used for BL.

Translator's Note

A festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunar calendar. Based on the lunar calendar, every year is assigned an animal of the Chinese zodiac as well as its reputed attributes in a repeating 12-year cycle. The Lunar New Year marks the transition from one animal to the next.

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  1. ZQ right now is in a state where he doesn’t understand the reason behind his actions but still wants everyone to know that FL is his and to keep FL away from potential love interests! He is adorable even when he is jelly.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. I’m sure Zhuang Qing breaks out in hives each time the Qiankun pouch is brought out. Who knows what treasures Fu Li will pull out from there and casually give to others 😂

  3. love love love ZQ showing off his love! I also loved that he bought the Rabbit/Dragon carving.

    Listen, Fu Si, we dont need you to bring up some drama. Just obediently stay away.

    Thanks for the chapter! <3