Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh77 - Choice


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Translator's Note

Joy, anger, grief, worry, fear, sentiments, affection.

Translator's Note

Lust, vanity, dignity, pleasant sounds, good life/death, sensual pleasures.

Translator's Note

Also known as Denglong. There are many legends surrounding the Hou, such as the Hou being the son of the Dragon King, the nemesis of the dragon race, or a dog-like creature that eats humans. The author seems to take reference from mainly one legend that suggests the Hou is a rabbit-like creature with pointed ears who eats dragons after winning against them in a fight, though there are dog-like elements in Fu Li’s appearance as well.

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  1. Finally! mystery unraveled…I have a feeling that ZQ made that bowl of congee in his previous life for FL.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. I’m really starting to believe that these ancient creatures probably never really disappeared they merely sealed😑

    Here comes another one…

  3. Fu Li had to face his past to advance, that scene was so sad. :c

    But now that he has Zhuang Qing, Fu Li won’t go bad! ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

  4. Oh my gosh. I was so not ready for that revelation! Now we know why he was never allowed to eat dragons. (╯_╰)

    Also, I hope the ancient yaos that took care of Fu Li were merely sealed away and did not die.

    Thanks for this chapter!

  5. Oh, oh, ooooh, big surprise :3 But our dear FL already tasted delicious dragon meat >____>

    And is that the next new member in their team? lol

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  6. ZQ just killed some yao for Fu Li… wow.

    So Fu Li is not the Yao Emperor.. Gong Fu, dont get any ideas. ZQ will kill you 10 times over before he harms FL at all.

    thanks for the chapter! <3


    WOWOWOWOW! What a reveal! Agreed with everyone above, hope they’re sealed and will be able to love happily in the modern world~

    Also…y’all two elders sittin on all this knowledge…😑

    Lol thank you so much for the chapter!!

  8. OMG!! Finally we know what type of yao FL is!! And ffffff yet another ancient great yao appears….

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  9. Whenever I see short passages of FL’s past with his elders, it’s so heartwarming yet very sad.

  10. But but but he already munched on a dragon T_T

    I mean it was a pathetic excuse for a dragon, but still DON’T BECOME A FIEND, FU LI Ó.ò