Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh69 - Merged


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Translator's Note

In Chinese mythology, the Dragon King was said to have nine sons. There are many variations in the descriptions of the nine sons, but all versions state that there are nine.

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  1. So glad Gong Fu revived to his true self.

    Also, can we just talk about the poor weather bureau which has been bearing the brunt of all the misinformation for the strange “weather” occurring XD

    • Omg, yes. I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sad because they’re the ones who kept getting blamed for the weather when it was actually a supernatural occurrence. I’m glad that things got better for Gong Fu.

  2. That was beautiful, to see Gong Fu release his resentment and take human shape again. Big 👍 to this chapter!

    Thank you translator-nim!

  3. Laughing at how Fu Li keeps collecting and brining in the old yaos.

    Also, pfft, Zhuang Qing must be fuming internally at how everyone seems to be drawn towards Fu Li in one way or another, especially when Gong Fu suggested he and FL room together HAHAH.

    ZQ being an overprotective dragon hahaha, he’s so stingy he doesn’t even want to share Fu Li’s time with anyone

  4. Hahaha there’s finally one who doesn’t piss their pants bc of the kunpeng xDD

    ZQ as jelly as always, no one is allowed to share a room with FL…. just one golden dragon called ZQ could do that lol

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  5. ” You said something about floods and got us to drag our families out of our houses in the middle of the night. But in the end, after waiting two to three days, there was no flood and the sun came out.”

    I remember here in PH our weather station always warn us with typhoon and surges also cancelling classes but then later that day, it was sunny outside 🤣

  6. I’m glad Gong Fu is revived. Happy to see he let go of his resentment. Hope he’ll be happy.

    Poor weather bureau 😂 They always bea r the bl unt of the people’s criticisms.

  7. 😢 My heart is torn and revived when Gong Fu realized that the village had genuine good intentions for him only to misunderstand them for so long.

    Also, “I am a yao with a baseline.” = “Professionals have standards.” 😆

  8. I can’t believe I was the victim of onion cutting ninjas!!

    Then I loled at the tetris and kindergarten argue

    This was a really good chapter

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  9. Poor weather bureau! You would think people would be happy that disaster weather was averted… But it’s like they wanted the flood to happen 😂Wouldn’t it be worse if there was a flood or a cyclone, but no warning? One warning too many is surely better than one warning too few.