Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh61 - Couple Outfit


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Translator's Note

Slang for internet users who watch drama from the sidelines without commenting anything.

Translator's Note

A saying used to describe someone with the ideal figure i.e. someone who appears healthy without any particularly plump or skinny areas, and looks good no matter the type of clothing.

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  1. fufufu already wearing couple clothes and having dates even before getting together

    thank you for the update~

  2. Zhuang Qing’s mental petty tantrums are so amusing omg

    Translator-sama, Is this novel a comedy? Is it masquerading as romance? Why is it so funny?! 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Lol he’s really whipped but still doesn’t realize 😆🤭

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  4. ZQ just straight up lyin lmaooo but! Moving ever closer to acceptance of Fu Li!

    …his real challenge is going to get Fu Li to see him as something other than a well mannered child 😂😂😂😅

    Work hard ZQ!!

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

  5. I really just want to ask how do you do that crispy golden delicious look when it comes to frying things. I can’t dry a chicken properly!!!!

  6. FL might not realise, but ZQ must be well aware of how it would look for them to show up in complementary colours of the same suit 😉

  7. ZQ is too funny. He can’t help being kind to FL even though he doesn’t understand why and it’s just killing him to do so