Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh60 - Who’s More Important?


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Translator's Note

In Chinese, shameless translates literally to ‘no face’.

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  1. aish, I feel warm and tingly when those two unconsciously flirt lol

    but how cute are Big Hair, Middle Hair, and Little Hair?! I wonder what his gift is used for and also just who is the Fenghuang?

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  2. Thanks for the chapter! 🐰

    +1 to wanting to see ZQ expression if FL chose food over him 😀

  3. this kind of naming reminded me of SVSSS 😂

    Also, why do I feel like ZQ and FL are scattering dogfood without even trying!

    Thanks for the chapter

  4. eyes the braised spare ribs coughs of course zq is more important, of course of course~

    Lol thank you for the chapter!!

  5. Ahh everything is adding up, all these great bid yaos coming up, Fu Li having a phoenix sword and a vermilion fan, the fruit only for Fenghuang and Fu Li apparently smiles like one too, AHHH I JUST KNEW MY HOPE IS NOT FOR NOTHING!