Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh43 - Human Cultivators


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Translator's Note

An auspicious omen in Daoism and Chinese astrology.

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  1. Lmao Fu Li showing off his great knowledge to his juniors! And that mention of Zhuang Qing’s past lifetimes is very interesting, maybe that little human Fu Li kept all these year ago is this ZQ?

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. after learning a bit of ZQ’s backstory i’m hoping more info about FL too wuuu

    thanks for the chapter!!

  3. Fu Li, after doing amazing stuff casually: I’m not that strong…

    All the yao he defeated: ….

    The Management Bureau members: …???

  4. Fu Ge, are you Sun Wukong in disguise?!

    Also somehow not surprised that Boss Zhang has imperial blood, being a dragon and all… (even tho ahem they seem to do everything that moves in this story lol)

  5. Wow, Zhuang Qing has quite a bio 😎

    Thanks for the chapter 🐰

  6. Everything that looks easy to FL is nearly impossible for everyone else lol Not only did the cultivation of the Yaos declined, humans lost a lot of knowledge too.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  7. he’s just girlbossing his way through! hahaha!

    i feel like Zhuang Qing’s past is related to Fu Ge :/, maybe he was the human pet he had once? who knows