Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh31 - Good Temper


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Translator's Note

In Chinese communities, red packets/envelopes containing a monetary gift is often given during holidays or special occasions such as Chinese New Year. Cash bonuses like in this case can also be given in the form of a red packet. The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and fortune, which is why they are used during celebratory events.

Translator's Note

Qin Shihuang: Translated literally as ‘First Emperor of Qin’. He was the founder of the Qin dynasty and the first emperor of a unified China. Read more here.

Translator's Note

One of the Four Evils (beings that hold evil characteristics such as encouraging greed, distorting truth, and promoting war) in Chinese mythology. It has been described as an ox with hedgehog-like spikes or a tiger-like beast with wings. Both versions are known to prey on human flesh.

Translator's Note

A massive shapeshifting beast that can transform between fish and bird. The fish is the Kun, the bird is the Peng, and together they are called Kunpeng.

Translator's Note

Another of the Four Evils. It is commonly emblazoned on bronze and other artifacts.

Translator's Note

One of the Four Evils. A tiger-like beast with a man’s face and pig teeth.

Translator's Note

A mythical hooved chimerical creature. There is no consistent description for it as its depiction has changed over time. It is said to generally possess dragon-like features, which is why it is most common to see Qilin with antlers. However, some Qilin have also been depicted with a single horn, prompting some to liken them to the Western concept of unicorns. In the legends, Qilin are depicted as gentle and benevolent creatures, and are thought to be a symbol of luck and longevity.

Translator's Note

Literally translated as White Marsh. In Chinese mythology, the Baize is a snow-white lion or tiger. It is known for its wisdom and ability to speak human languages.

Translator's Note

A pig-like creature known to be the harbinger of harvests.

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  1. Lmao, this was hilarious!

    Thank you for the update and sorry for there not being a longer comment 🙈

  2. so glad for Suanyu that he turned out to be quite ok and also that he filled his stomach;) I was feeling a bit sorry for him last chapter, like some other readers:)

  3. thank you for the chapter!

    waiting for the red packet thing appear in a later chapter **

  4. How ominous, I wonder when these ancient yao will make their appearance? I wonder what made them go into hiding in the first place?

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡