Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh23 - Borrowing Money


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Translator's Note

Yama, also known as Yanluowang, is a Hindu and Buddhist deity of death and the underworld. Yama is not only the ruler but also the judge of the underworld who passes judgement on all the dead.

Translator's Note

I used the modern ways of keeping time here, but the original terms were Sangeng (midnight) and Wugeng (3am), which were the traditional ways of keeping time. These terms refer more to periods of time at night rather than a specific time. Sangeng is the period of time from 23:00-00:59, while Wugeng is the period of time from 03:00-04:59.

Translator's Note

A Chinese public service project that aims to bring schools into poverty-stricken rural areas of China, so as to help children whose families are too poor to afford complete elementary school education.

Translator's Note

Joss paper, also known as ghost or spirit money, are sheets of paper or papercrafts that are burnt as offerings. This is a common practice in Chinese ancestral worship and is to ensure that the spirit of the deceased has plenty of good things in the afterlife.

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  1. Ahh, the
    old man! I´m interested to see what we´ll get to know about him, since you said
    we´ll see some more of him this chapter ~

    It´s a
    dragon again, isn´t it? That would be so typical of these overgrown snakes …

    Aww, the
    old man is worried about his cat and wants to hurry home and Fu Li is worried
    about the old man – cute how he chooses this excuse :3

    The old
    math teacher is so cute but when he mentioned that it won´t work when he´s
    chasing a girl I had to hold back a laugh. Because – Fu Li? Chasing a girl?
    Pff, nah he´d never do something like that. I can imagine him being chased, but
    I doubt he´d ever do the chasing, he´s too emotionally constipated for that. Or
    rather: he doesn´t know enough about emotions to do that xD

    Fu Li´s
    thoughts are kind of on point, but it´s so cute how confused he is about this


    At the
    least the old man understands from his reaction that our boy is completely
    clueless – I´m kinda happy that he´s invited for a meal though. Especially
    since there´ll be a cat. I´m kind of interested how the cat will react to our
    dear FL?

    Aww, so
    it´s a tiny, shaggy, fat cat! It sounds so cute :3

    Lmao, it
    just instantly shows it´s belly for pets – such a nonchalant cat xD

    I really
    like their interactions, because we now see Fu Li interacting for a length of
    time with an actual human being. It´s interesting to see both of their

    His wife
    died, didn´t she? QAQ This description is making me kind of sad, the house
    sounds so empty, lifeless. Kind of grey … he´s pretty lonely, isn´t he?

    Fu Li
    sure loves all kinds of furry little beings, doesn´t he? And the cat´s reaction
    to being able to do anything because it´s overpowered by Fu Li is simply
    hilarious xD

    my servant, not owner’ is such a typical cat-thing to say – oh my gosh, this is
    too funny xD

    … what
    are Fu Li´s ulterior motives for wanting to learn how to cook?

    And the
    old man´s on it again with his ‘chasing girls’ advice. I can´t, this is too
    funny – especially with Fu Li´s inner commentary. What with ‘On order to be in
    the woman´s good graces, they were willing to do anything’ ~

    The cat
    sure is spoiled – and Fu Li kind of wants to pet it too, doesn´t he? xD

    Aww, the
    old man really is too cute! He wants to help Fu Li! And … he loves those
    doesn´t he? They seem to remind of other times …

    looked at Fu Li as if he was looking at the cleverest younger generation’ – my

    he´s so happy that Fu Li´s coming to visit him – he´s adorable, but it´s also
    so sad, because … didn´t anyone ever come to visit him? Does he really have no
    one? QAQ

    Haha, the
    cat´s being tortured every time Fu Li strokes it´s head xD

    …. I
    smell drama. Something happened to the old man, didn´t it? I hope everything´s
    going to be alright QAQ

    Also: how
    did the cat know where he was? How did he know where Fu Li worked?

    Nooo QAQ

    This is
    extremely sad – who´s cutting onions?! QAQ

    At least
    … his funeral was well-attended? Poor cat though … first it is chased out of
    his master´s (friends`) funeral hall and then he´s lost so much weight, because
    no one seemed to care about it. And then ‘You´re just a cat who hasn´t
    cultivated a human form’ – that sounds kind of mean actually …

    And Wang
    Zhen is here again. And Fu Li is actually blocking his path and doesn´t even
    know why … is this emotional development? O.O

    And he
    even explains that it won´t do the old man any good – I like him

    last interaction is so sad! But … it really seems as if our boy actually had
    some emotional development and I´m really happy about it. But I´m also crying,
    so there´s that …

    The fact
    that he can´t even touch his cat and it still acts the same just made me cry
    harder. The fact that he looks forward to seeing his wife doesn´t make things
    any happier …

    Oh? Is he
    on the way of experiencing sadness as well? ‘That area didn´t seem very happy’
    sounds … really bad when taken out of context xD

    confusion as to why he feels the way he does is kind of cute, but also
    heart-breaking. Because he is this close to understanding why he feels that
    way, but he can´t see it because he´s never had a need for emotion…

    their flawed tendency to be unreasonable’, huh?

    ZQ´s thoughts are way off the mark – he thinks too highly of himself xD

    I didn´t
    think that Fu Li´d want to borrow money though O.O

    I mean –
    yes, ZQ´s reaction is a 1000% worth it, but still. What does he need that money

    Thank you
    for the update!

    • Okay, something is wrong with this formatting, everything looked normal, when I had it in the comment section, why does it look so different, when it is posted?

      I hope, it won´t make any problems … have a wonderful weekend!

      • The formatting for comments has been a little wonky lately, I have to edit my longer comments to make sure the formatting’s right too >.> Anyways, I don’t have problems reading it, so all’s fine ^^

        It really is quite funny when everyone keeps worrying themselves over FL’s love life, or lack thereof, when chasing after girls is the last thing on his mind lol.

        That statement does sound kind of mean, doesn’t it? But I’d like to think that FL didn’t have mean intentions… there’ll be more on the cat in the next few chapters!

        FL has taken baby steps towards understanding emotions T.T but he still has a long way to go…

        The money will be explained next chapter 🙂

        Thanks for the comment as usual and I look forward to seeing you again on the next chapter ^_^

  2. I’m sad Teacher Yao passed away. It’s 5am and I am crying quietly.

    Fu Li, jiayou! You have to ace the exams. Wait, what do you need so much cash for?

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

    • Fu Li doesn’t really need the money for anything so maybe to pay off the funeral,,? They did say that teacher Yao isn’t all that rich and since he’s donating everything I doubt he has money to buy a plot of land for his grave

  3. Thanks for the chapter! Oh, a fleeting friendship 🙁

  4. aaahh im tearing up while eating kuaci… i love elderly kindness in stories so much… im really glad that this short bond was what taught our mc of grief, i think it’s really wholesome and touching. thank you for the chapter ♡

  5. The scene of Teacher Yao’s spirit and his cat o(╥﹏╥)oo(╥﹏╥)oo(╥﹏╥)o

  6. Lol Fu Li trying to borrow money from a dragon be like a person trying to take skin from a tigers back 🤣 🤣… a monumental task

  7. i don’t know why but i’m so sad about what happened to teacher yao when this honorable teacher only appeared on one chapter. i’m even imagining what would happen to him in the future chapters but as just what my gut told me, bad feeling.

  8. Fu Li not being a feline Yao confirmed–otherwise he would never make such a blunder, getting the cat-human relationship so completely wrong.

    Humans and their flawed tendencies to be unreasonable! Even affecting the state of Fu Li’s chest! 😭😭😭

    Poor kitty went from fat to thin 😢

  9. noooo QAQ !! ah! T^T !

    at least he’s happy to be with his wife now!

    i like how this novel brings up death, in a way it makes it normal, maybe if i read enough like this i won’t be as scared when my time comes 🙂