Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh22 - Provocation


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Translator's Note

Literally translated as ‘grass stage theatrical troupe’. This refers to theatrical troupes with few performers and props that move around villages and small towns to perform.

Translator's Note

Short for Fenghuang. Can be translated as phoenix too. The reason why I didn’t translate it that way is because there are only surface-level similarities between the Western conception of phoenix and a Fenghuang. The Fenghuang represents the queen of birds and is born from the sun, but is not literally a fire bird. Unlike the Western phoenix, the Fenghuang is immortal and does not go through a cycle of death and rebirth. However, because of its association with the Western phoenix, many Xianxia authors assign it powers of rebirth. If I’m not wrong, the author of this novel does as well. The Fenghuang is a very colorful bird whose tail is red, blue, yellow, white, and black.

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  1. A dragon caused trouble in the Bureau and was subdued by the boss. Meanwhile, our MC still hasn’t solved a math question.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Zhuang Qing is handsome. I wonder what’s up with his germ phobia?

    Fu Li, I’m good at math! I’ll tutor you 🤗

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. Lmao, everyone’s
    reactions to ZQ’s penalty xD

    I mean, yes – the
    explanation about dragons and their abilities and why they are the way they are
    is quite understandable. They essentially deadly, spoiled children. But still –
    I find it inordinately funny. Even though it is quite understandable, why Fu Li
    would disdain dragons in general, when their whole race is like this >.>

    Wow, ZQ really hates
    the dragons, doesn’t he? Still have to laugh when I think, that the reason is a
    little hail scratching his car xD

    After deliberating
    about it from all angles, they could only arrive at one conclusion – that the
    boss was upright and plainspoken and would definitely not be biased against any
    one side because of race.’ – are you sure? I don’t think so

    Everyone’s afraid of
    bringing the fine to the dragon’s xD They just want to pit each other at this
    point in time, don’t they? Though they do tend towards wishful thinking. What
    ‘maybe he feels remorseful and gives himself up’ – after the whole description?
    After the whole description about their arrogance? I don’t think so. Except if
    they’re afraid of ZQ. But I don’t think they are.

    Pff ‘he might be a
    man, but he couldn’t be capable at this moment’ – lmao

    What did they do? Is
    the man the azure dragon? Why is he there? And why did he start a fricking
    storm again? And why does he have to bother these people who just do their job?
    I really want to see him lose his arrogance… especially after calling all of them
    useless creatures. I may have no way to refute him (though I think that has
    more to do with ZQ and FL being quite strong) but that is no way to speak
    towards people just doing their jobs.

    Lmao, the fish has
    ‘the fighting strenghhth of half a goose’ pfff xD

    And of course Zhuang
    Qing, this drama queen just wanted to have an awesome entrance. He did quite
    well i think? He just needs some special effects – maybe explosions. Glitter
    explposions >.<

    … Oh, now I really
    want this sad excuse of a lizard to have his confidence shattered like the
    painted glass it seems to be. Of course the first thing he does is ridicule ZQ
    for being a half-blood. Of course. He is quite tired of living, isn’t he? He
    will burn himself quite badly with this one >:D

    If that isn’t a
    threat, I don’t know what is

    Pfff – that scaly
    bastard sure has unnecessary confidence. And he said it quite well – he’s
    ranked under the top ten of the azure dragon clan. Just the azure dragon clan.
    None of the other clans. Well – he’ll soon see the error of his ways. What’s
    with ‘It´s a position beneath my status’. He has absolutely no clue.

    Though I do have to
    say, that I would love to have him bother Fu Li. That would be an absolute
    feast! We all know our boy has no patience when it comes to these soggy bags of
    scales and teeth ~

    Aaand everyone is
    clearing the battlefield xD

    Wise choice ;p

    Ahhh, this is quite
    the show – I do enjoy our boys stomping arrogant creatures into the dust. It’s
    ome kind of vindicative pleasure (:<

    Love his reaction –
    he does hate getting his things damaged. I gues this does include his people.
    Especially if the bastard also disregards him in the same breath ~

    And said reptile
    still doesn’t understand his position. The reason for the other dragon king
    having a nice colour had me laughing though – What a good way to make poeple
    speechless xD

    … he really should
    have kjnown better than to threaten him. He’s probably put said man in an even
    worse mood than he already was. That was one of the worst moves he could have
    ever made. ZQ either doesn’t like said uncle or just doesn’t care. Maybe a mixture
    of both. I would laugh if said person was actually also his relative. It would
    be hilarious xD

    … I do think he’s
    already being alienated by the whole dragon race. Especially after the reaction
    this trash had just now. So that really isn’t all that much of a threat.

    ‘Don´t you find that
    emberassing’ indeed. They really should cultivate more …

    … So that makes
    three people who can fight. Are you seriously not emberassed? I would be.
    That’s just sad.

    … I wonder which
    great yao they are chasing after and if they will have anything to d with the
    story. My instincts tell me yes. Quite interesting though, that they both were
    originally things instead of animals. That puts quite a different perspective
    to them, doesn’t it? Because they’ve been made by humans. They have gone
    through human hands. I guess that this makes cultivation kind of easier for
    them – are they more favoured by the heavenly law than their animalistic yao
    companions? Or are they at the same level?

    ‘It was fine even if
    their cultural achievements were a little poorer’ – he´s totally talking about
    FL, isn´t he? xD

    I still like this
    security guard – but it’s hilarious to know, that Fu Li’s handwriting is
    probably just chicken scratch ;p

    The old man is
    hilarious! First of all: Nice calculation. I wouldn’t be able to do that in my
    head. At least not fast. Second of all: he thinks Fu Li is just a dumb pretty
    boy, doesn’t he? That is discrimination! He may be a pretty boy, and he may be
    a bit dumb too, but I think (read: guess) that this is only in regards to
    emotional content. He simply isn’t good at academics, because he’s never even
    touched it >.>

    Fu Li is so cute
    with his appreciation of human spirit ~

    Aww, now that makes
    the old man just cuter. He’d been a math teacher and now he helps in cleaning,
    because he doesn’t want to be alone and still wants to help :3

    …. The last sentence
    doesn´t quite sit right with me. What is going on? We’ll find out next chapter,
    won’t we?

    Thank you again for
    the update!! <3

    • Hello again!!

      Hmm the part about Chao Yun and Ning Xuan being objects instead of animals is an interesting perspective, never really thought about it from that angle. I don’t think the novel ever gives a direct answer whether it influences their cultivation, but from the description in this chapter, it seems that being used or at least being in close contact with humans has made their cultivation more profound than the typical cultivator.

      And yes, we’ll find out more about the old man next chapter!

      Thank you for taking the time to write a long comment ^_^ Have a good week!

  4. Thanks for the chapter ^_^

    Did Fu Li just found a personal tutor? 😀

  5. I told myself already that I’ll save up a few chapters before continuing to read but, here I am. 😬☺

  6. Ooohhh…. So it’s Wu Zetian’s favorite hairpin…

  7. i am wondering…

    If by any chances.. I am a youkai too


    If I am not.

    Then how can you explain sea of red on my rapport…..

  8. Me being a human wondering why other human beings are so restless 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Me being a human who doesn’t want to do anything other than breathing 🤷🏻‍♀️

  9. He’s not biased against anyone based on race, only based on how much property damage they can cause him 😂😂😂

    Also, he likes white creatures. Is our Fu Li a white rabbit? Fox? Tiger?

    Also geese are scary and I wouldn’t want to fight one 😬