Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh19 - Orphan Yao


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Translator's Note

Bazi, or ‘eight characters’ is a Chinese astrological concept that a person’s destiny or fate can be divined by the two sexagenary cycle characters assigned to their birth year, month, day, and hour. In Chinese astrology, a person born at a certain date and time will have a different elemental composition according to the Five Elements – earth, water, fire, metal, or wood. These elements interact with each other, so depending on the individual’s element, certain elements can be of benefit or harm to the person. With an understanding of one’s favorable and not favorable elements, one can then determine the kind of career, color, clothes etc that would be suitable for one.

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  1. Awww this was so sad and sweet. I hope the mother and son pair can be a happy family again in their next life.

    Anyways Fu Li is so amazing!!! He’s so cute! He’s such a good role model lol.

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  2. Zhuyan: You’re a disgrace to my Yao world!

    Zhuang Qing: I have human blood running through my veins.

    Fu Li: Human society knows how to respect the old.

    Zhuang Qing: I’m not human!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. After several hours of school dragging me away from reading, I! Finally! Caught up!!!

    I couldn’t comment on the previous chapters bc I wanted to read all tled ones at once.

    But in the first few chapters when I found out FL woke up after a long time, I suddenly wanted this novel to have a “love lasting several lifetimes” trope. And when that human (who I’m 99.9% sure is ZQ’s previous life (the 0.1% is there just in case)) was revealed, I was on freakin cloud nine!! (Let’s just hope I’m not wrong abt ZQ’s identity lol)

    Also, lowkey think the yao emperor is FL. But he was born 4k yrs ago and the so-called emperor has prolly been around for longer than that. That is, unless FL is older than 4k or he isn’t the emperor at all ^^;

    ALSO!!! This novel kind of gives me a bit of Fox Demon Cultivation Manual vibes, and FL’s curiosity about humans and their emotions very much reminds me of An Zhe from Little Mushroom :0

    Anyway, 19 chapters in and I can already tell this is a gem! I love this, and thank you so much for picking this up! (Also, legit almost thought the rich second generation who appeared on c1 was ML orz)

    Thanks for the chapters! 🙂

  4. Would a
    new site to read this story on change my little routine of writing an overly
    long comment? No – no it wouldn’t. The all-chapterly comment-barrage will
    continue ~

    Though I
    have to say that I’m a bit sad, that I wasn’t fast enough to read your reply to
    my last comment – welp, just means that I need to write more, doesn’t it?

    thought that a formidable yao was roaming about’ – I mean. He’s not wrong. Fu
    Li isn’t exactly not a formidable yao. I would be a bit miffed at his reaction,
    if I hadn’t deemed the disdainful duo as soon as their similarities became
    apparent xD

    Am I the
    only one who thinks Fu Li is adorable for being so impressed by everything

    Pffft –
    Zhuang Qing is probably panicking for nothing. Poor man is gonna be in for a
    surprise in the future. The yao emperor has already caused fear to bud in his
    heart? And his reaction is like this? Understandable. But if Fu Li is actually
    the yao emperor … well – I think Zhuang won’t believe it, even if it was true.
    The fact that our cinnamon roll wouldn’t know if he was that thing just makes
    it funnier to imagine ~

    Was I the
    only one who smelled the ocean as soon as the sea breeze was described? Yes?

    mother and son duo are so sweet :3

    But it
    makes it all the more sad, that they don’t realize that they’ve already died.
    Though … I imagine the old lady probably knows. She’s just waited for her child
    to come home… My eyes are getting teary again QAQ

    Ahh and
    this man is at it again with his emotionless voice. But it makes me question
    why he is like this. Why he asks Wang Zhen to wait for three more days so that
    mother and son may have a chance to reunite while he stays apathetic when they
    do. Maybe it has something to do with his mother? She was human after all. And
    he must have lost her pretty early in his life (even if her life was long for a
    human – we don’t yet know how old she’s gotten after all)…

    Aww, Wang
    Zhen is also kind of cute in his sensibilities ~ He still hasn’t realized Fu Li
    is there though xD

    … the
    reason Fu Li is watching them so closely – the reason he doesn’t say anything …
    he wants to understand human emotions, doesn’t he? Until now he’s never really
    showed any emotion except for maybe curiosity. I have never really seen him
    happy or sad or angry. He’s always just been kind of … emotionless. Except for
    his eternal pleasant smile, and curiosity (Who is cutting onions??!!)

    Ahh, the
    lady totally knew with such a reaction !

    this soldier thinks that WZ wants to kidnap him and his mother xD ‘Don’t harm
    the latter part of your life’ pffft xD

    … what
    kind of death is this? What the hell???? At least the child is still alive?

    she’s so cute :3 She calls him godfather! And she wants to visit him annually!
    That is so sweet ~

    mother and son pair – I swear. At the end of this chapter I’ll be surrounded by
    tear-soaked tissues QAQ

    Lmao, why
    is WZ singing out of tune so funny?

    Fu Li
    struggling to understand human emotions will be a theme in this story, won’t
    it? Hopefully another theme will be the acquisition of said emotional
    intelligence. It feels kind of hollow to know that Fu Li does not understand
    emotions. Is he the only Yao or have there been other cases as well?

    Lmao, ZQ
    comparing FL to a confused dog. Though it is quite insulting. Even if Fu Li
    would never find it insulting with how amazed he was that humans can be
    compared to dogs in the last (or was it the one before that?) chapter >.<

    Haha, ZQ
    is so easily riled up xD And Fu Li this guileless fool – he’s as cute as ever

    And now
    they have a discussion about emotions. Go figure. It is kind of interesting to
    see ZQ trying to explain the emotions at place in the last scene. I doubt Fu Li
    will understand though… and I smell exposition in regards to Fu Li’s backstory


    ‘Do you
    not have a mother?’ – I have a very bad feeling QAQ

    I mean –
    the chapter title already said that Fu Li was a yao. But it’s still sad. Does
    he have such a problem with feeling and recognizing emotions because of this?
    Or are there other factors at play?

    Aww – ZQ
    really loved his mother, didn’t he? :3

    And now
    they are back at making fun of each other. I never expected anything else from
    them. They always seem to destroy the mood ~

    Lmao ‘A
    person of good moral standing and reputation who isn’t talkative is liked by
    others’ – that’s such a ZQ thing to say! I wonder what the other people at the
    bureau would say to this sentiment?

    And Fu Li
    is back at talking bad about the younger generation to their face again xD

    How he
    just casually cleans the beach while lamenting about people – you go my boy,
    you go!

    this is somehow so typical of him xD And his work even landed in the news! I’m
    kind of proud of him, but would also like to know if that may have some
    consequences in the future. Or if it can be seen as a threatening gesture by
    some people?

    always: thank you for this chapter! It was quite enjoyable ~

    • Here’s my comment for the last chapter~:

      The descriptions really were quite horrendous, weren’t they? I had to check a few times to make sure I wasn’t translating it wrong cause it just sounded so grotesque lol

      Oh wow what you said about how FL thinks about emotions really got me thinking. I never distinguished between understanding emotions and experiencing them… but I totally agree with you ^^

      Omg, am I going to start imagining a sniffing dog whenever ZQ taps on his spidey senses now??

      The mother-son relationship really is heartwarming, it gives me the fuzzies~

      Anddd the reply for this chapter:

      I think FL doesn’t know understand ’emotions’. It’s pretty much an alien concept to him at this point. Although I think that understanding the word and actually feeling something is quite different. Anyways, this is something that is explored throughout the novel so I’ll leave it to you to discover for yourself, how fun~

      Thanks for the long comment (I’m glad you’re still here!) and see you at the next chapter 🙂

      • Good to know that I wasn’t the only one thinking these descriptions were grotesque xD

        Yay to your agreement~

        You probably will start doing exactly that. At least you won’t start imagining him as the strange fish-dog hybrid that is a certain subordinate? Tbh, whenever he has those little ‘spider sense’ moments, I’ll imagine him as a dragon-dog hybrid though. It sounds marginally cuter than the fish-dog hybrid xD

        Ahh – yes he doesn’t understand emotions. But this is exactly why he is such an interesting main character, isn’t he? It will be a fun ride indeed ~

        Of course I’m still here! See you next chapter and as always: you’re welcome (in regards to the long comment ;p)

  5. This is a sad sad chapter

    I hope the mother and son can find happiness in their next lives, and I just want to give Fu Li a big ol’ hug.T-T

  6. thank you for translating this!

    I thought it would be a fuss to binge read it, but it’s really interesting!

    when you read the TNs and a character would appear with the characteristics of the myth, it was an interesting experience

    • Thanks for reading! Glad you’re enjoying it so far ^^

      Ahh yes it’s quite interesting how the author weaved them into the chapters, I learnt a lot from doing the TNs too haha~

  7. Thank you for your hard work!! The interactions between the mc and ml are very fun to read lol. I love how author does not limit the side characters’ involvment in the story, everyone is all interesting, both human and nonhuman!! Cheering for more romance and plot development~~

  8. This is amazing! Thank you soo much Ilyz for translating this! Fu Li is an absolutely adorable badass character!

  9. I got teary eyed when I read the Seaman was dead and even more when his mom was also dead.

    But I love Fu Li. ❤❤

    Thanks so much ❤

  10. Caught up!

    I cried.

    Thanks for the translation ❤️

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  12. I so love this story and my sentiments in the modern world is same as Fu Li. 🤣 This novel made mw realize I want to be monk or someone living quietly in the mountains one day