Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh116 - Kiss


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  1. »He’s already more than four thousand years ago..« years old

    They’re so sweet >__< Good thing that little dragon can already cook xDD

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  2. omg we are now being fed intentional dog food and I am here for it!!

    I hope most of Fu Li’s elders are alive

    thanks for the chapter <3

  3. I love them so muchhhh i dont want to stop reading 😩 why did i catch up with the translation so fast i want moreeee ehehehhe

    Thank you for the chapter 💜💜💜

  4. Everyone just keeps spoiling Fu Li 🥰 including those 2 great yaos that he left at the dormitory