Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh111 - Misunderstanding


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Translator's Note

Slang for public display of affection.

Translator's Note

Refers specifically to the home of a married woman’s parents.

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  1. It’ll be true sooner or later anyway, so I feel that there’s not much point in correcting them 🤷‍♀️

    But the ” chewing gums” tho…. 💀💀 i knew the moment he picked them up, this would happen lmaoo xD At least Fu Li knows Zhuang Qing’s feelings now lolol

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Lol did Zhuang Qing really thought it was chewing gum but unknowingly bought a box of condoms? I mean even our little Fu Li know what condom was 😆

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

    • Probably? Hahahahahah, I mean, I thought those were chewing gums before as well because of how they were packaged, plus ZQ probably only glanced at it and focused more on the price. HAHAHAHA can’t wait to see ZQ’s reaction when he finds out about that

  3. I like the thinking of the user “Crabs taste bad” XD But I can agree that crabs taste bad when it’s served in my fave novels hmp.

  4. Hahahahaha, FL pretty please show him the “chewing gum” and ask the meaning behind it xDD I want to see an embarrassed ZQ >D

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

    • Ah, I translated that literally, but on second thought it might be better to be clear that it’s referring to a kid 😅

      Edited, thanks~

  5. it’s always the mistake of thinking condoms as chewing gum…

    do the packaging really looks that alike?

  6. I think that ZQ chose the ‘chewing gum’ to give a hint to FL and it just happens that it can also make up for the price, or vice versa. Anyway, I like this chap.

  7. hahahaha I’m wondering if our little dragon really thought he bought gum or if he deliberately bought condoms…

    thanks for the chapter <3

  8. When I saw “strawberry-flavored bubble gum near the counter” I just knew it was going to be that product 😂😂😂

  9. reminds me of when i was younger and i was at the market w my sis, we were paying stuff, I pointed to some small box and asked my sis what it was. My hand was approaching the box but she stopped me and just said “don’t touch it” and it wasn’t until I think last year I randomly remembered such think and yep, it was a box of cndoms :’)

  10. Honestly, condoms are really packed quite deceptive😅

    Can’t wait for ZQ’s reaction🤣

    Thanks for the chapter🥰

  11. I think ZQ really thought it was chewing gum—even if he wants to do the deed with FL, why would two male (virgin) yao need condoms… 🤔😄