Don't Discriminate Against SpeciesCh110 - Together


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Translator's Note

Refers specifically to sweets for happy occasions e.g. weddings

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  1. Jumping from excitement at Fu Li’s tiny steps towards enlightenment! >u< Also, I wonder what the elders would think of Zhuang Qing if they found out about his feelings / intentions towards their little treasure 👀

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Fu Li: Pls ignore those rumours of us being Dao Companions.


    Fu Li: Do you want to spend New Years- a time for family and loved ones- with me at my place 😀

  3. Lol. Little Dragon should just confess already. Fu Li will not get it otherwise. He should know how dense this 4000-year-old yao is by now. I’m worried he will be waiting for another century

  4. Ahahahaha, did ZQ thought FL wanted to leave him behind for New Year’s?

    Can’t wait for the next chapters, thank you so much for the translation!