I'm Completely Clueless About Sockpuppet Accounts Being Unmasked [E-sports]Ch25 - “I knew you would come.”


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Translator's Note

powerful and unrestrained

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literally, forced to wear small shoes

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literally, looking down from commanding height

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a nickname based on Ye Lai’s last name, leaf = Ye Zi

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

added for the rhyme

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  1. What a bad father 😡 why I think that Su Ya is a man? Maybe my brain is alredy broke 😅

    Thank you for the chapter

  2. I dislike his father.

    Aajajsuuwhshzha i have to blink a few times to confirm that the words i see isn’t deceiving me. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    I love you both~

    Thank you for the chapter 🤍

    • True as if he can’t live without a woman such a disgusting father.. he just brought trauma for his son… He couldn’t be contented to just introduce his lover… And even that could already hurt his son he even went as far to hurt him physically as if hurting him mentally wasn’t enough.. what a sick narcissist he is… He just thought of his company and his lust

  3. When they hold hands FMY will be super cute with his serious face UwU

    Yey! Twice a week !!!

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  4. They finally meet !!!!and also Shen knows his gege is Fu mingyang now ..yay

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰

  5. I literally shouted when he finally revealed he is Gege 🤗😂😲😲😲 I have never read in a while that made me excited for what’s to come next I’m so thrilled!😂 And my heart goes doki doki… This is the first time I was so thrilled for the meat up of MC and ML.. I have read few novels that also started with dating online.. but I guess the build up here was so good… And it was intense actually anticipating them to finally meet up.. plus it wasn’t a heartbreaking meet up or a 2nd hand embarrassment meet up.. it was actually build up perfectly I was anticipating it from chapter 1 and now they finally met and going to date! The ship started to keep it’s pace and now sailing fast 🤗😂😂😂
  6. Lol, fmy and his broken phone 。゚(゚^∀^゚)゚。

    Shen Bozong – trash father is trash

  7. Wholeheartedly wishing terrible things on that hot dumpster water father.

    Su Ya seemingly sensible in all things but her taste in men. Embarrassing.

    BUT they met! And they’re cute!! Ahh poor FMY catching a cold tho 🙁 it should have happened to the Chen guy! >:(