I'm Completely Clueless About Sockpuppet Accounts Being Unmasked [E-sports]Ch17 - They say a daughter is a father’s little lover from his previous life, so sons also count, right :)


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Translator's Note

literally, met by chance like patches of floating duckweed

Translator's Note

a saying meaning greatly energized

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  1. Ah fmy was only commenting to his moment, right? I thought he was unknowingly outing himself for knowing that he’s Angry 😅

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  2. Typo: “Even if he passed by him on the roadside, he wouldn’t know that this person was the one that he constantly called ‘Gege.’,> the one that constantly called him ‘Gege’

    This is SQ’s sad emo thought that FMY won’t recognise him, because SQ’s doesn’t know yet that FMY has already recognised him.

    Thanks for the chapter💖

      • Ooh, I really thought SQ already suspected Gege is the actor FMY! He listened to Gege’s voice, watched FMY’s live-show the next day, watched all of his movies, thought his voice sounded very familiar and even remarked to Gege about it. By ch10 SQ immediately recognised Gege’s voice when he changed accounts. I think he must be in denial. 😂

  3. Gege’s eating lemon again 🍋🍋🍋 How is Gege so sweet?!?! Gege I also have nightmares, won’t you call me too? 😭💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  4. I’m so annoyed with the girls taking pictures of absolute strangers and posting it. I see it in most novels I read and it really gets on my nerves.